Channel Function Function description
Channel 1 Angle mode Control the angle of rotation: the value 0-255 corresponds to 0-360°
(channel 3 value 0-15 is valid)
Channel 2 Speed Speed Adjust the speed of angle change (valid when the channel
3 value is 0-15)
Channel 3 Mode selection Value 0-15 angle mode, channel 1 and channel 2 are valid; value
16-31 is infiniterotation mode; value 32-255 is built-in effect mode,
one effect for every 16 values;
Channel 4 Forward and reverse + speed Infinite rotation mode (channel 3 value 16-31), the value 0-126
rotates counterclockwise,the value 127-128 maintains the current
angle, the value 129-255 rotates clockwise;the fastest is 1 second
One lap, the slowest is 5 seconds lap;
Channel 5 Light strobe value 0-15 to receive software data, external software control;
value16-31 all white; value 32-255 strobe, the larger the value, the
faster the strobe frequency;
Channel 6 Reset The value 0-254 is invalid, the value 255 is reset once, waiting for
the channel to be released,the highest priority;